Decision-making and Problem-solving


Effective decision-making and problem-solving skills are crucial for success in professional and personal circumstances. Making decisions and solving problems include choosing the one that makes the most sense given the available options. Both skills are significant since they help individuals to navigate several situations that may arise. They also complement one another and help people resolve similar issues. They both involve critical thinking to make informed decisions. Since both can help organizations solve complex problems, employers usually value the skills of their employees since they show that an individual can think in all situations and make sound decisions that benefit the organization. People can address issues and make decisions that result in positive outcomes by using organized techniques and critical thinking. This essay examines the value of making decisions and solving problems and outlines the advantages of developing these abilities, including creative and critical thinking skills.

Decision-making and Problem-solving

Influence of personal characteristics and the ability to solve problems and make decisions

A problem ensues when one is not able to reach a common goal. Problem-solving defines the cognitive action to remove the hindrance that separates the current condition from the target condition. Humans are consistently faced with novel challenges and many probabilities to solve them (Kipman et al., 2022). Therefore, problem-solving needs the skill to realize the possibilities and choose the best alternative in unfamiliar conditions. People use problem-solving and decision-making skills in many different facets of their lives, from overcoming ordinary obstacles to making crucial decisions that have far-reaching effects. Various personal traits influence one’s capacity for problem-solving and decision-making, in addition to understanding and intelligence. Personal traits influence how people view and deal with challenges, besides the approaches they apply to conclude.

Problem-solving is among the basic human cognitive progressions of the brain that looks for an answer to a given challenge or seeks a path to attain a specific goal. An individual’s cognitive skills, such as analytical reasoning, intelligence, and critical thinking, significantly affect their problem-solving ability. Persons with higher cognitive skills usually excel in recognizing problems, dividing them into manageable elements, and objectively analyzing the information to help them make informed decisions (Wang & Chiew, 2010). The individuals can think critically and make considerations of multiple perceptions to help them develop innovative and creative solutions to specific problems. Decision-making comes more naturally to some types than others. These individuals ought to focus more on doing so. The ability to make exact conclusions is often there in persons who lack natural discernment, but they must act with greater decisiveness in reaction to those decisions. Problem-solving and decision-making require creativity in discovering and creating choices, which is where the brainstorming process is beneficial.

Importance of Decision-making and problem-solving steps in resolving complex problems

Decision-making skills and problem-solving are significant since they help individuals navigate several situations that may arise in the workplace. Both actions complement each other and can solve most similar issues since they involve critical thinking. A problem’s complexity is determined by how many different factors go into it. Complicated problems usually have several target situations; it is crucial to understand the variables to solve the problem. The decision-making and problem-solving steps offer a systematic framework for navigating these complexities, allowing people to take on challenging situations with assurance and proficiency.

To make the right decision and find a solution to an issue, one must first weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each option and consider their options. They must be able to predict each option’s result and choose the one that is best for the current problem when making a practical decision. Identifying and specifying the problem are two essential steps in the problem-solving process. By describing the nature of the problem in detail, this first phase lays the foundation for the other steps. It entails compiling pertinent data, investigating the underlying causes, and comprehending the implications and potential outcomes of the issue. This step is crucial in identifying the complicated and technical concepts of the problem, which then helps to make decisions based on the course of action (Nelson & Squires, 2017). Individuals may concentrate on the core causes and determine the urgent areas that need attention by accurately identifying the issue.

How many diverse components there are in a problem determines how complex it is. Seeking information may involve researching, consulting field experts, analyzing historical trends and seeking investors’ input (Mishra et al., 2014). Seeking factual information helps individuals to understand the problem and reveal possible solutions that may have been ignored previously. After collecting information, it is significant to analyze it sequentially and consciously before making decisions (Mishra et al., 2014). Individuals should thoroughly examine the information analytically and carefully to help them make informed decisions to solve the complicated problem quickly.

Furthermore, individuals should create alternative approaches and solutions when solving the problem. Exploring several options increases the likelihood of finding a workable solution to a complex problem since complex problems frequently have numerous feasible solutions. This phase enables people to think inventively, use their knowledge and skills, and consider various viewpoints. People can avoid taking a restricted view by coming up with various options, which increases their chances of coming up with creative, all-encompassing solutions to the problem.

Making decisions is a crucial step in the process of solving problems. People must make a decision that fits their goals and limitations based on investigating and evaluating different options. This step entails considering various elements, including risks, costs, rewards, ethical issues, and stakeholder concerns (Dosi et al., 2017). Effective decision-making involves weighing the pros and drawbacks of each option, comprehending potential trade-offs, and keeping the big picture in mind. Individuals can commit to a particular course of action and establish a defined direction by making well-informed judgments. Finally, the chosen solutions are implemented to solve the problem. The adaptive leadership paradigm provides a unique method for conceptualizing and effectively addressing particular difficulties.

Importance of creativity in problem-solving

Creativity is the most crucial factor in solving a defined problem. Creativity is needed to develop and ass the appropriate questions concerning the problem and develop the appropriate and correct answers to them. Creativity helps individuals to offer “out of the box” suggestions and ideologies since it defines the process of seeking new approaches to addressing problems. Conventional problem-solving and consequent decision-making depend on analytical problem-solving skills, where individuals derive possible solutions based on logical thinking and facts (Ritter & Mostert, 2016). However, as time passes, firms face more unheard-of circumstances. This needs contemporary managers to develop problem-solving and creative thinking abilities. As the business world searches for answers to problems with intricate or esoteric components, the need for creative thinking is expanding. There isn’t a simple answer to these problems or one that would work in every situation. Therefore, coming up with original ideas is crucial.

Importance of basic steps of critical thinking

Critical thinking is an essential element of self-improvement that enables people to evaluate situations, make informed decisions, and solve problems. It entails collecting evidence, analyzing the facts, and viewing the issue from all angles without preconceptions or biases. Individuals can analyze and interpret information effectively using critical thinking skills to help them comprehend complicated problems and develop innovative solutions to the problems (Bangun & Pragholapati, 2021). Developing critical thinking skills for personal development and success is essential since it enables people to improve their analytical skills and reasoning abilities. It also helps individuals to gain better insight into their environment and make appropriate choices in every aspect of their lives. Critical thinking is more crucial in the current evolving world than ever before, and it helps individuals navigate complicated systems and make informed decisions that can positively affect their lives.

Critical thinking is essential in the workplace, especially when making decisions and solving problems. Employees with critical thinking abilities are more likely to examine the situation correctly and spot potential solutions to issues, resulting in higher productivity and efficiency. The fundamentals of critical thinking offer a helpful foundation for information analysis, issue-solving, and well-informed decision-making. Using these techniques, people can improve their comprehension, assess arguments more skillfully, confront biases, address challenges methodically, and present their ideas more effectively. Critical thinking equips people to reason, think critically, and negotiate complex situations with assurance and clarity. Critical thinking is crucial for business success, and emphasizing this skill set will better meet their objectives and stay competitive.


There are various connections between decision-making, creativity, and solving problems. Analytical problem-solving and making decisions are made easier with the help of creativity, which helps develop new and original responses to specific problems. Because of their shared roles, goals, and organizational structures, decision-making, and issue resolution are related. In actuality, one can take the place of the other. Making decisions comprises selecting the greatest choice from a range of options, as opposed to solving problems, which entails altering an existing situation in order to get the desired result. Creativity, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities have become crucial in businesses for managerial purposes. They ensure the accomplishment of long-term goals and the prosperity of a company. For managerial judgments, distinct ideas and effective problem-solving and decision-making procedures are required.


References APA

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