Define Magnetic Vector Potential. Derive an expression for itl of a current loop. Hence find an electric field sector interms of scalar and vector potential
Magnetic Vector Potential

Its denoted by A, is a fundamental concept in classical electromagnetism. It is defined such that the curl of A yields the magnetic field B:


For a current loop, let’s consider a circular loop of radius R carrying a steady current I flowing in the counterclockwise direction when viewed from above. We can find the magnetic vector potential A at a point P located at a distance r from the center of the loop, in the plane of the loop.

The magnetic vector potential A at point P due to a current element dl at a point Q on the loop is given by:

dA=μ04πI dl∣r−r′∣


  • μ0 is the permeability of free space,
  • I is the current flowing in the loop,
  • dl is an infinitesimal element of current in the loop, and
  • r and r′ are position vectors from the current element to the point P and the element dl respectively.

Now, if the current loop lies in the xy-plane with its center at the origin, we can express dl in terms of (an infinitesimal angle) as R dθ z^ where z^ is the unit vector along the z-axis.

Then, using the expression for dA, the total magnetic vector potential A at point P due to the entire loop can be found by integrating over the entire loop:

A=μ0I4π∮CR dθ z^∣r−Rcos⁡(θ)x^−Rsin⁡(θ)y^∣

Where C denotes the path of integration around