Diversity Training – Discuss personal and professional experiences with diversity and/or inclusion topics to facilitate cultural humility and cultural competence.

You will review the following information this week and complete Part 1 of the Unfolding Case Study:

1) Read the Diversity and Discrimination in Healthcare article.

2) View the video, “Ask Me. What LGBTQ Students Want their Professors to Know.”

3) View the video, “LGBTIQ+ People Talk About their Experiences Accessing Health Care.”


1  Diversity and Discrimination in Healthcare – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)

2  ‘Ask Me’: What LGBTQ Students Want Their Professors to Know (youtube.com)

3  LGBTIQ+ People Talk About Their Experiences Accessing Health Care (youtube.com)


Diversity Training

Diversity Training – In reviewing the provided resources and reflecting on personal and professional experiences with diversity and inclusion topics, it’s crucial to acknowledge the significance of cultural humility and cultural competence in healthcare settings.

  1. Diversity and Discrimination in Healthcare: This article likely discusses the various dimensions of diversity present in healthcare settings, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religion, and ability. It’s essential to recognize that individuals from diverse backgrounds may have unique healthcare needs and experiences shaped by their identities and social contexts. Moreover, the article may shed light on the prevalence of discrimination and disparities in healthcare delivery, which can adversely affect patient outcomes and trust in the healthcare system. Understanding these dynamics is fundamental to promoting cultural humility and addressing healthcare inequities.
  2. “Ask Me”: What LGBTQ Students Want Their Professors to Know: This video probably provides insights into the experiences and concerns of LGBTQ students in academic settings, particularly regarding interactions with professors and the campus climate. LGBTQ individuals often face discrimination, stigma, and microaggressions in educational and healthcare environments, which can impact their well-being and academic performance. By listening to their perspectives and understanding the challenges they encounter, educators and healthcare professionals can foster inclusive environments where all individuals feel respected, valued, and supported. Diversity Training
  3. LGBTIQ+ People Talk About Their Experiences Accessing Health Care: This video likely features firsthand accounts of LGBTIQ+ individuals navigating the healthcare system and accessing services. Many members of the LGBTQ community have faced barriers to healthcare, including discrimination, lack of culturally competent care, and fear of disclosing their sexual orientation or gender identity to providers. Building cultural competence involves not only understanding the unique health needs and concerns of LGBTQ individuals but also creating affirming and…..