Family Reflection – Purpose: This assignment aims to reflect on the readings and discussions as you relate to your own family experience and how it might influence your work with families of children with special needs. You should interview your family members to dig deeper and try to understand as much as you can about your values, culture, and child-rearing practices.

Task Description: Write a reflection on the following themes.

  • What were your core values, culture, and child-rearing practices growing up? Has anything changed since you became an adult? Please explain.
  • Compare and contrast your own values and beliefs with the values and culture of the ones of families of special needs children and how that might be different from yours.
  • How will this be beneficial to you as an educator?


Family Reflection

Family Reflection – Reflecting on my own family experience in light of my values, culture, and child-rearing practices is a deeply personal journey. Growing up, my family instilled in me core values such as empathy, respect, and perseverance. Our culture emphasized the importance of family unity, education, and community involvement. In terms of child-rearing practices, my parents believed in a balance of discipline and encouragement, fostering independence while providing support when needed.

As I transitioned into adulthood, some aspects of my values and beliefs have evolved, while others have remained steadfast. I’ve come to appreciate the significance of open-mindedness and inclusivity, embracing diversity in all its forms. This shift has been particularly impactful in shaping my understanding of how to support individuals with special needs and their families.

Family Reflection – Comparing my own values and beliefs with those of families of special needs children reveals both similarities and differences. While empathy and respect are universal values, the experiences and challenges faced by families of special needs children often necessitate a heightened level of understanding and adaptability. Culturally, there may be nuances in how families approach disability and inclusion, which requires sensitivity and cultural competence.

Family Reflection – One key difference lies in the level of advocacy and support required. Families of special needs children often navigate complex systems and societal barriers in advocating for their children’s rights and access to resources. This contrasts with my own upbringing, where the support system was more readily available and