Principles of community engagement


Community engagement

  • Purpose – The purpose must clearly define goals and objectives that must be accomplished in a community engagement.

  • Informed – Involves giving relevant and accurate information to individuals in the engagement process so that they can make wise and informed decisions

  • Representative – It aims to create an equitable environment where diverse and representative of individuals and people’s voices are heard in the engagement process.

  • supported – Individuals in the community must be given enough support to have a successful community engagement

  • Influence – Individuals in the engagement process must be educated about the influence the community engagement has in decision making

  • Report – Members in the community must be told how their involvement in the process has impacted the decision making of the leaders

Purpose serves as a directing proposition making sure that a community engagement is determined and purposeful towards achieving the well being of the community. Updating the stakeholders in the community with the latest information about the engagement process will aid in making the right decisions that purposely help the community. Representatives are individuals from different groups that should take part in responsibilities in the community with the aim of helping the community reach and achieve its goals. Their existence must be appreciated as they are part of the leaders of the community. Support is the act of giving assistance to individuals in the community to help them through the engagement process. By providing support, individuals are able to learn and encourage each other in the process. Impact of the engagement process is important to participants since it shows them what they expect after completion of the process. Positive impact will encourage them to complete the process and improve their well being. Decisions made by leaders are very important hence involving individuals in the engagement process will have a positive impact on the decision making process of the community.

How these principles and values apply in the aged care and disability sectors

  • Purpose – For aged care and disability sector incorporates recognizing and defining their unique needs, interest and goals of the participants.

  • Informed – Involves having knowledge and staying aware of individuals in the community who need care and medical assistance especially for the aged and disabled sector.

  • Representative – Involves recognizing the diversity of the aged and disabled individuals and including their perspectives into decision making.

  • supported – Requires the community to offer support and services of unique needs and objectives of the aged and disabled individuals in the community engagement.

  • Influence – It involves modeling principles, practices, and rights of the aged and disabled and the influence they have in community engagement.

  • Report – Reporting is an important aspect in community for the aged and disabled as it outlines the impact of existence on both groups in the community.

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