Chapter 12 (this chapter has an excellent activity to check out) The Student with Special Needs complete all 4 components.Creating Inclusive Classrooms: The Ability/Disability Continuum and the Health Dimension – read directions carefully – submit responses to questions 1 and 2 APA

  1. Can every student with special needs receive an individually appropriate education without having to be segregated in a special place? Using information about these conditions accessible via the Internet or other sources, suggest how a teacher might endeavor to accomplish this for: 

The Ability/Disability Continuum

  1. Madeline, a 13-year-old middle school student, who is on the autism spectrum, displays difficulties in social interactions and sometimes in self-control, along with strong, although sometimes atypical, intellectual interests.
  2. Marcus, age 7, who is one of a growing number of young children with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and whose parents and pediatrician rely on his teacher’s communication in order to monitor his medication and guide the therapeutic counseling he receives.
  3. How can Madeline’s and Marcus’s teachers make certain that these students’ classmates not only are not detrimentally affected but also derive benefit from their inclusion in regular education

                Chapter 1Improving Schools for All Children: The Role of Social Stratification in Teaching and Learning – question 1 – using your textbook, the internet, and/or other sources, answer question

  1. How is rural poverty different from what you know about urban poverty?
  2. How might tests be an impediment to effective instruction (i.e., instruction that results in student learning)?
  3. A common criticism of multiple forms of assessment is that two teachers using the same assessment procedures may arrive at different evaluations of students’ achievement. Assuming that this criticism has some validity, how might conditions be set so that variation in teachers’ evaluations might be minimized?

. Assignment 2

3 pages    – APA

Final Reflection Essay – In this course it is important that you are able understand the range of Human Diversity and its potential implications in Educational Settings. Your final reflection essay is where you connect your understanding of the range of human diversity in educational settings to the learning outcomes in this course. You would accomplish this by explaining the range of diversity you have learned about throughout this course and the implications in creating open and inclusive educational settings. You should examine in your essay how children and families from various cultures in those educational settings are affected by education and/or program policy, be specific. You should be able to analyze in your essay any curriculum and classroom environments as they relate to multicultural and environmental issues as well as any activities and chapter reflections you worked on throughout this class.

Again, the outcomes for your essay …The Ability/Disability Continuum

  1. You need to connect the range of diversity you have learned about and apply this learning in the classroom.
  2. Examine in your essay how children and families from various cultures are affected by education policy or program policy. You can look back through chapter 1 to guide you as well as each of the specific chapters to address specifics such as special education policy, NCLB …
  3. Analyze any curriculum and classroom environments in relationship to multicultural and environmental issues to the activities and chapter reflections you worked on throughout this class and any learning you gained as a result of this. You are self-reflecting based on the activities and reflections you have worked on throughout the course.

Here are the topics we have covered for the essay

 Chapter 1

Education in a Changing Society – submit all reflective questions and responses.

Chapter 2

Multicultural and Global Education –

Module 2

           Chapter 3

Culture and the Culture-Learning Process

           Chapter 4

Classrooms and Schools as Cultural Crossroads

           Chapter 5 Intercultural Development

Module 3

Chapter 6

Creating Classrooms That Address Race and Ethnicity

Chapter 7

The Classroom a Global Community: Nationality and Region –

Module 4

            Chapter 8

Teaching in a Linguistically Diverse Classroom: Understanding the Power of Language

             Chapter 9

Religious Pluralism in Secular Classrooms

                  Module 5

              Chapter 10

Developing Gender Inclusive Schools and Classrooms: The Emergence of Gender and Sexual Diversity

               Chapter 11           

Creating Developmentally Appropriate Classrooms: The Importance of Age and Developmental Status 

Module 6

                Chapter 12 .Creating Inclusive Classrooms: The Ability/Disability Continuum and the Health Dimension – 

                Chapter 1Improving Schools for All Children: The Role of Social Stratification in Teaching and Learning


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