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Daily Archives: November 10, 2023

Behavior Analysis

Reinforcement is the cornerstone of behavior analysis. How frequently, or not frequently, reinforcement is delivered has a large impact on how quickly a person will respond. This is the case for all behavior. For example, someone who sells cars may…

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This week we will focus less on rhetoric (the use of language to persuade) and more on the use of ethos. Ethos is the third part of Aristotle’s “three appeals” of argumentation–ethos, pathos, and logos (or, credibility, emotion, and logic). Ethos…

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Change for Life

Chapter 6 Article: Change for Life/Cambia tu vida: A Health Promotion Program Based on the Stages of Change Model for African Descendent and Latino Adults in New Hampshire In 4-12 sentences, answer the following questions: APA Provide In-text cited examples from…

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Retirement Plans

Most employer retirement plans offered today are define contribution plan . The most popular savings vehicle for defined contribution plans are 401(k)s.  The most popular options for investing in 401(k)s are via mutual funds. Assume you decide to participate in…

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