Porter’s Five Forces

Industry Analysis Draft of 2 of Porter’s Five Forces — Use Monroe Library (Business Insights), Additional Readings from Materials Provided on BB including, But Not Limited To, HBR Michael Porter article, Videos on BB, Investopedia 12 Application Examples, Purdue University Industry Analysis Assessment, and Electronic Databases.

Porter’s Five Forces is a framework for analyzing the attractiveness and profitability of an industry (Porter, 2008).

Based on the following five forces, answer the questions connected with each force and related to the company that you have chosen to study. FIRST, DEFINE THE FORCE according to Porter’s HBR article. Be sure to CITE (in-text citations) the appropriate source linked to the information provided. Provide References (APA 7) at the end.

Porter's Five Forces 

1) Rivalry among existing competitors (DEFINE According to Porter)– (a) Number and names of major competitors (approx 4-5), (b) Industry and Company Growth Rate, (c) Entry barriers, (d) Access to distribution, (e) Differentiation, (f) Fixed costs vs. variable costs. Porter’s 5 Forces 

(g) Rivalry = High or Low – possibly moderate (Explain why)

2) Threat of New Entrants (DEFINE According to Porter) — (a) Entry barriers — government policies/regulations (b) Access to suppliers, (c) Distribution channels–access to, (d) Obstacles that deter new competitors from entering the industry, (e) Threat of New Entrants = High or Low – possibly moderate (Explain why)

3) Threat of Substitute Products and Services (DEFINE According to Porter) — (a) What is the availability of other products that a customer can purchase from outside the industry? (b) What is the buyer’s propensity to substitute? (c) Threat of Substitute Products/Services = High or Low – possibly moderate (Explain) (d) Consumer switching cost = high or low? (Explain why)

4)Bargaining Power of Suppliers (DEFINE According to Porter) — (a) Differentiation of inputs, (b) Switching costs of suppliers and firms in industry, (c) Threat of backward integration by firms in the industry, (d) Availability of substitute suppliers (e) Bargaining Power of Suppliers = High or Low – possibly moderate (Explain why)

5) Bargaining Power of Buyers (Customers) (DEFINE According to Porter) — (a) When are the customers in an industry powerful? (b) Ability to backward integrate, (c) Switching costs, (d) Bargaining leverage, (e) Buyer sensitivity to changes in price, (f) Bargaining Power of Buyers (Customers) = High or Low – possibly moderate (Explain why)

Instructions: Please post your response, which should include several informed and well written sentences (PER QUESTION). Please include statistics. Then, respond to the posts of two (2) classmates. Please cite your scholarly source(s) within the paragraph(s). Be sure to CITE (in-text citations) the appropriate source linked to the information provided. Provide References (APA 7) at the end. Porter’s 5 Forces 

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