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Monthly Archives: November 2023

Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic Therapy Jane is a 65-year-old woman who presents to her orthopedic provider’s office with complaints of persistent pain and decreased mobility in her right knee. She reports that the pain has been affecting her daily life, making it difficult…

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The Ability/Disability Continuum

Chapter 12 (this chapter has an excellent activity to check out) The Student with Special Needs complete all 4 components.Creating Inclusive Classrooms: The Ability/Disability Continuum and the Health Dimension – read directions carefully – submit responses to questions 1 and 2…

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The dissertation journey

Textbook: Roberts, C. M., & Hyatt, L. (2019). The dissertation journey: A practical guide to planning, writing, and defending your dissertation (3rded.). Corwin Publishing Co. ISBN- 9781506373331. Read Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, & 8. Discussion Question: Must be at least 350 words.…

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Deployment Strategy

The final project submitted in Module Nine addressed the development of the technological innovation selected for the business case but did not explicitly address the deployment strategy. As you reflect on your new technological innovation, discuss factors that you consider…

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Safety of the Food Supply

Safety of the Food Supply  You will be preparing a narrated PowerPoint Presentation and submitting both the narrated presentation and a written “script” of your presentation (what you narrated for each slide). The technique for completing this may have been…

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Justice system

Justice system – Write a 1,500-word paper that includes the following: Juvenile Justice System (500 words) Identify one well-publicized crime committed by a juvenile in your community for which a restorative justice approach would have been more appropriate than the…

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Church Counseling

Data response

Data response-Explain the differences between subjective and objective data response Subjective and objective data responses refer to two distinct types of information, often used in various fields such as research, medicine, and decision-making. Here are the key differences between subjective…

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