1. Student’s assessment How will you accommodate and differentiate assessments for students? What challenges present themselves in making accommodations and differentiating to meet the diverse needs of all students? APA FORMAT

2.  Discuss how summative and formative assessments are different in regards to being used in STEM lessons. Share one of your formative assessments from your unit plan with an explanation as to why this assessment will guide instruction.

Student's assessment

Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following which should include a reference for each individual paragraph.

Paragraph 1:

In accommodating and differentiating assessments for students with diverse needs, it’s crucial to adopt a flexible approach that addresses individual learning styles, abilities, and challenges. Utilizing a variety of assessment methods, such as written assignments, verbal presentations, hands-on tasks, and digital assessments, allows for a more comprehensive evaluation of students’ understanding and skills (Tomlinson & Moon, 2013). Additionally, providing options for student choice in assessment formats can cater to individual strengths and preferences. For example, offering alternatives like creating a visual representation, writing a reflection paper, or participating in a collaborative project allows students to ………………………………..

Paragraph 2:

Student’s assessment Summative and formative assessments play distinct but complementary roles in STEM lessons. Summative assessments are typically used at the end of a unit or lesson to evaluate overall learning and measure mastery of specific content or skills. They are often high-stakes and provide a final judgment of student achievement. In contrast, formative assessments are ongoing assessments that occur throughout the learning process. They are used to monitor student progress, identify areas of difficulty, and inform instructional decisions. Formative assessments are dynamic and flexible, allowing for adjustments in teaching strategies based on immediate feedback (Black & William, 1998). In my unit plan, one formative assessment I’ve included is a concept mapping activity where students visually represent the interconnectedness of various STEM concepts related to renewable energy sources. This assessment guides instruction by allowing me to gauge students’ comprehension and identify any misconceptions or gaps in………………………………

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