Toddlers Health Patterns Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different ages using Gordon’s functional health patterns. Describe and apply the components of Gordon’s functional health patterns as it applies to toddlers.

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Toddlers Health Patterns

Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns is a framework used in nursing to assess an individual’s health status across various categories. Let’s compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different ages using this framework.

  1. Health Perception-Health Management:
    • Toddler A (2 years old): Parents report a generally robust health. They attend regular check-ups and receive vaccinations on schedule.
    • Toddler B (3 years old): Similarly, parents report good health. However, they express a slight concern about maintaining a balanced diet.

    Comparison: Both toddlers have parents who are actively involved in their healthcare. Toddler B’s parents show a specific interest in diet, which could indicate a growing awareness of the importance of nutrition.

  2. Nutrition-Metabolic:
    • Toddler A: Has a typical appetite and consumes a variety of food groups, though there is a preference for fruits and vegetables.
    • Toddler B: Has a more varied diet but occasionally displays picky eating habits, especially with vegetables.

    Comparison: Both toddlers demonstrate normal nutritional intake. Toddler B’s variety in diet suggests a slightly more diverse palate compared to Toddler A.

  3. Elimination:
    • Toddler A: Has regular bowel movements and is starting to show interest in potty training.
    • Toddler B: Successfully potty-trained and has good bladder and bowel control.

    Comparison: Both toddlers are progressing typically in terms of elimination patterns. Toddler B’s successful completion of potty training is a notable developmental milestone.

  4. Activity-Exercise:
    • Toddler A: Engages in unstructured play, including running, climbing, and exploring the environment.
    • Toddler B: Shows a preference for organized activities like dance classes and enjoys outdoor play.

    Comparison: Both toddlers are active and engage in age-appropriate physical activities. Toddler B shows a growing interest in structured activities.

  5. Sleep-Rest:
    • Toddler A: Takes regular naps during the day and sleeps through the night.
    • Toddler B: Has transitioned to a single, longer nap during the day and also sleeps through the night.

    Comparison: Both toddlers have established healthy sleep patterns for their respective ages.

  6. Cognitive-Perceptual:
    • Toddler A:

Comparison: Both toddlers are building coping skills, but Toddler B is showing signs of increased independence in dealing with frustration. Toddlers Health Patterns

In summary, while both toddlers are progressing along typical developmental trajectories, Toddler B, being older, demonstrates slightly………………

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