Healthcare ethical principles

Step 1 In your initial post of approximately 150 words, identify an ethical or legal issues or dilemmas that you have encountered in your practice. Use defining ethical terms in your post (for example, fidelity, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and so on).How was the situation resolved? Did the resolution follow ethical principles? APA

Healthcare ethical principles

Suppose a healthcare provider faces a dilemma concerning patient autonomy and beneficence. A patient with a serious illness is presented with two treatment options: an established standard treatment with known efficacy and a newer, experimental treatment showing promise. The patient, well-informed about both options, expresses a strong preference for the experimental treatment due to personal reasons. Healthcare ethical principles.

Here, the ethical principle of autonomy dictates that the patient has the right to make decisions about their own healthcare. However, the principle of beneficence requires the healthcare provider to act in the best interests of the patient’s well-being.

In this situation, the healthcare provider should engage in thorough informed consent discussions, ensuring the patient fully comprehends the risks and potential benefits of both options. Additionally, consulting with a multidisciplinary team, including an ethics committee if available, can help weigh the potential benefits of honoring the patient’s autonomy against the duty to ensure their overall well-being. The ultimate decision should prioritize both autonomy and beneficence, ideally aligning with the patient’s values and best interests.

In this situation, the healthcare provider should engage in thorough informed consent discussions, ensuring the patient fully comprehends the risks and potential benefits of both options. Additionally, consulting with a multidisciplinary team, including an ethics committee if available, can help weigh the potential benefits of honoring the patient’s autonomy against the duty to ensure their overall well-being. The ultimate decision should prioritize both autonomy and beneficence, ideally aligning with the patient’s values and best interests. Healthcare ethical principles

Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59pm MT.
Use one creditable source to support each response post.

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