Dynamics of Leadership in Public Service

Examine the 5 ethics models given by Van Wart’s book: Dynamics of Leadership in Public Service (2011) & comment on their attributes.

(1) The basic integrity model of the virtuous leader
2) The ethical leader as moral manager
3) The ethical leader as authentic
4) The ethical leader as a spiritual mentor to followers, clients and constitutes
5) The ethical leader as a transforming agent of change for the common good

– Critique what it means to be a Spiritual- Servant Leader in public service.

Dynamics of Leadership in Public Service

-Evaluate if ethical codes are enough for the Christian leader. APA

– Do Christian leaders have a higher biblical moral

Van Wart’s book, “Dynamics of Leadership in Public Service” (2011), outlines five ethics models for leaders. Let’s examine each model and comment on their attributes:

  1. The basic integrity model of the virtuous leader:
    • Attributes: This model emphasizes the importance of fundamental moral principles and integrity in leadership. Virtuous leaders are guided by a strong sense of right and wrong and uphold ethical standards.
    • Strengths: Provides a solid foundation for ethical leadership, as it centers on core values and principles that are universally recognized.
    • Critique: While integrity is crucial, it may not always provide specific guidance in complex ethical dilemmas.
  2. The ethical leader as moral manager:
    • Attributes: This model views the leader as a steward of ethics within the organization. They establish and enforce ethical policies and procedures, ensuring compliance.
    • Strengths: Provides a structured approach to…………………..
  3. The ethical leader as authentic:
    • Attributes: Authentic leaders are genuine, transparent, and true to themselves. They lead with honesty and openness, which fosters trust and respect.
    • Strengths: Encourages genuine connections between leaders and followers, enhancing organizational culture and morale.
    • Critique: Authenticity alone may not always ……………………
  4. The ethical leader as a spiritual mentor to followers, clients, and constituents:
    • Attributes: This model incorporates spiritual values and principles into leadership, emphasizing the importance of a higher purpose or calling.
    • Strengths: Provides a holistic………………………
  5. The ethical leader as a transforming agent of change for the common good:
    • Attributes: This model sees the leader as a catalyst for positive societal change. They work towards the betterment of the community or society as a whole.
    • Strengths: Prioritizes the collective welfare and……………………..

Regarding being a Spiritual-Servant Leader in public service, it involves integrating one’s spiritual beliefs with a deep commitment to serving others. This approach can bring a sense of purpose and moral compass to leadership. However, it’s important to ensure that this leadership style respects the diversity of beliefs in ……………….

Regarding ethical codes for Christian leaders, while they provide a valuable framework, they may not cover every possible scenario. Christian leaders may also draw on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

As for whether Christian leaders have a higher biblical moral standard, this belief may vary among individuals and denominations. Some may believe that Christian leaders are held………………..

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