A personal nursing philosophy can help to inspire and motivate you as well as help to define your purpose as a nurse (Hountras, 2015). To develop your philosophy, you will explore such concepts as your beliefs and values, what type of nurse you desire to be, your beliefs about nursing, and the role of nurses in the health care system (Hountras, 2015).

Personal nursing philosophy


Discussion Prompt

In this week’s discussion, you are formulating your personal philosophy of nursing. You are developing and sharing your ideas before you complete this section of the Professional Identity Assignment.

  • In a short paragraph share your personal philosophy of nursing.
    • State your personal philosophy of nursing.
    • How did your self-concept, values, and ethical principles contribute to the development of this philosophy?
    • Provide 2-3 professional examples that demonstrate your philosophy of nursing in your current practice as registered nurse in the medical surgical unit. Professional examples may include work experiences, past clinical experiences as a nursing student, or an example from a peer-reviewed journal article.
    • Provide rationale for your response with at least one scholarly source using an APA in-text citation and full reference.

My Personal Nursing Philosophy:

As a nurse, I believe that every individual deserves compassionate, holistic, and patient-centered care. My nursing philosophy is based on a foundation of empathy, respect, and a commitment to promoting health and well-being. I view nursing as not only a profession but a calling, where I have the privilege to make a positive impact on the lives of patients and their families.

Beliefs and Values: I firmly believe in the inherent dignity and worth of each person, regardless of their background, culture, or health condition. I value open communication, active listening, and treating patients with the utmost kindness and empathy. Patient autonomy and informed decision-making are crucial aspects that guide my practice, ensuring that patients are active participants in their care journey.

Desired Type of Nurse: I aspire to be a nurse who is not only competent in clinical skills but also possesses a strong sense of compassion and emotional intelligence. I want to be the type of nurse who actively advocates for patients’ needs and rights, providing a voice for those who may feel vulnerable or unheard. Continual learning and self-improvement are essential to me, as I seek to stay updated on evidence-based practices to deliver the highest quality of care.

Beliefs About Nursing: Nursing, to me, is an art and

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