Migrating Submit an 1 page proposal for Migrant Biography Project containing the following:

1. Who you will interview

2.  Brief timeline and plans to conduct interview, analyze and write about the project

3. 5 questions you want to ask to the interviewee

4. Potential theories/readings you want to engage with when analyzing the interview


Migrant Biography Project: APA

  1. Interviewee: For the Migrant Biography Project, I will interview a migrant individual who has experienced the process of migrating to a different country. It could be someone who has recently migrated or someone who has been living in the host country for a significant period.
  2. Timeline and Plans: a) Conducting the Interview: I will schedule a face-to-face or virtual interview with the chosen interviewee, depending on their availability and location. I will aim to create a comfortable and open environment to encourage them to share their story. b) Analyzing the Interview: After conducting the interview, I will transcribe and carefully analyze the conversation, focusing on key themes, experiences, challenges, and emotions expressed by the interviewee. c) Writing the Project: Based on the analysis, I will write a comprehensive
  3. Five Interview Questions: a) What prompted you to consider migrating to a different country, and what were your expectations before the move? b) Could you describe the process of leaving your home country and the challenges you faced during that period? c) How has your experience been adjusting to a new culture and society? What were some of the most significant cultural differences you encountered? d) What are some……..
  4. Potential Theories/Readings for Analysis: a) Transnationalism: Exploring the concept of transnationalism can help understand how migrants maintain connections and engage in activities that span multiple countries, and how this shapes their identity and sense of belonging. b) Acculturation and Cultural Identity: Examining theories related to acculturation and cultural identity can shed light on the challenges and strategies employed by migrants to adapt and navigate their new cultural environment while preserving aspects of their original identity. c) Intersectionality: Applying an intersectional lens can help analyze how various social categories such as gender, race, and class intersect with the experience of migration, influencing the opportunities and barriers faced by individuals. d) Human Rights and Migration Policies: Engaging with theories……………………

Note: It is essential to respect the interviewee’s privacy, consent, and confidentiality throughout the process.


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