Can you discuss the types of outbreaks at population health level? 2. How is the epidemiological triangle related to pandemics, outbreaks? 3. If you were to explain “disaster epidemiology” to a colleague or nursing student, what would you say? 4.…
Changing health care environment Create a 2-4 page annotated bibliography and summary based on your research related to best practices addressing one of the health care problems or issues in the Assessment Topic Areas media piece faced by a health…
Acquired Pressure Ulcers Submit 2-3 pages describing the Methods/Design and Statistical Analysis that you will use in your project. Use the evidence from the peer reviewed articles that you have critically appraised and synthesized. Follow APA format and cite references.…
Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers Discuss how you intend to implement your evidence-based findings. What are your anticipated challenges? How do you intend to overcome some of those challenges? Topic HAPU Length: A minimum of 280 words, not including references Citations: At…
Migrating Submit an 1 page proposal for Migrant Biography Project containing the following: 1. Who you will interview 2. Brief timeline and plans to conduct interview, analyze and write about the project 3. 5 questions you want to ask to…