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Monthly Archives: April 2023

Mental health

Mental health Instructions Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) has been found in a high percentage of professional athletes as a result of repetitive head injuries. Research CTE and its effects. Instructions: 1. Your assignment must be of minimum of 400 words,…

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Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic Retinopathy-Investigate the changes seen in the retina of patients with diabetes and hypertension. How do these retinal changes affect vision? Why does laser treatment help? Instructions: 1. Your assignment must be of minimum of 400 words, with standard APA…

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Public Health Promotion

Public Health Promotion- Identify a current public health issue (excluding HIV/AIDS, obesity and youth violence). This can be any public health topic that interests you. Develop a health promotion plan with at least three strategies that incorporate cultural awareness. APA…

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Extremist Prisoners

Develop a  plausible approach that prison administrators could implement in  tackling some of the most significant challenges. Describe  and explain the unique challenges associated with the increase in  prisoners with ties to terrorism and other extremist groups.  APA Extremist Prisoners-The increase…

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Mathematical laws and theorems

Mathematical laws and theorems- Describe and Discuss: Associative Law, Distributive Law, and Commutative Law Associative law is a mathematical principle that states that the grouping or association of three numbers does not affect the result of addition or multiplication, It…

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Military Strategy

Military Strategy- Discuss the Army principles of war and utilize the principles to analyze the Desert Storm war.   Military Strategy- ARMY PRINCIPLES OF WAR: – Objective: The main goal -Offensive: Set conditions of the war -Mass: Size, logistical strength…

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Important Development: Internet

Important Development: Internet-focused  on an important development in twentieth-century science or technology  that impacted society. Write an summary on this development that covers  the four parts described below. You may choose any development in the  twentieth century, even those in…

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Post-operative infections

Post-operative infections-For patients aged 60-75 with a hip replacement, does fluid normality versus fluid deficit affect the post-op infection rate within the first weekafter surgeryy? Turn in a reference page in APA format. You must use three (3) or more…

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Social media privacy

Social media privacy What electronic communication strategies are used at your organization to communicate with patients? Based on your organization’s HIPAA policy, how is patient privacy and confidentiality protected? APA Social media privacy-Electronic communication strategies used at healthcare organizations to…

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