Impact of Substance Abuse-You are a Drug Treatment Specialist for Wayne County, Michigan. You work specifically as the intake coordinator for the adolescent and adult drug and alcohol treatment programs. In order to develop and implement individualized treatment plans, you need to perform psychosocial assessments and other types of individual testing required by the courts. Before conducting these assessments, you need to thoroughly understand the normal/healthy developmental milestones that occur at 12-years-old until the end of life. Since you often have to explain these developmental milestones to the direct care staff you work with, you have decided to create a PowerPoint presentation. Instructions In your presentation, identify and explain the physical, cognitive, and social-emotional development milestones for the following age ranges: Adolescence (ages 12-18) Early Adulthood (ages 18-40) Middle Adulthood (ages 40-60) Late Adulthood (ages 60+) Additionally, for each age range, describe the impact of drugs and alcohol on development. Make sure your presentation is visually appealing with colors, graphics, and keywords. Use the notes section below each slide to write the details of what you would have said had you given the presentation live. This allows you to show your understanding and critical thinking skills to your instructor. Resources APA Guide Writing Support Academic Writer
Impact of Substance Abuse

Impact of Substance Abuse-Adolescence (ages 12-18): Physical development: Adolescents experience rapid physical changes, including growth spurts and changes in body composition. Puberty typically occurs during this stage. Cognitive development: Adolescents develop abstract thinking skills and begin to think more logically and systematically. They also develop a sense of self and their place in the world. Social-emotional development: Adolescents seek greater independence from their families and form more intimate relationships with peers.

Impact of drugs and alcohol: Adolescents who use drugs and alcohol are at risk for impaired brain development, which can result in lasting cognitive and behavioral problems. They may also experience social and emotional difficulties, including depression, anxiety, and social isolation.

Early Adulthood (ages 18-40): Physical development: Early adulthood is marked by physical maturity, but there may still be changes in body composition due to lifestyle factors. Cognitive development: During this stage, individuals continue to develop their abstract thinking skills and begin to…….

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