Support for Older Adults -Identify three agencies in your local community that support individuals in later adulthood.

  • Provide an overview of the services each provides.
  • Identify the service gaps you notice.
  • Explain how to improve existing services to address these gaps.
  • Describe services that should be added to better serve this population and explain why.

Use the Learning Resources to support your analysis. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.


Support for Older Adults

Agencies in the local community that support individuals in later adulthood:

  1. Area Agency on Aging: The Area Agency on Aging provides a range of services for older adults, including nutrition assistance, caregiver support, transportation, and assistance with accessing healthcare services.
  2. Senior Centers: Senior centers provide a variety of social, recreational, and educational activities for older adults, including exercise classes, art classes, computer classes, and day trips. They also often serve as a hub for information and…..

Agencies in the local community that support individuals in later adulthood:

  1. Area Agency on Aging: The Area Agency on Aging provides a range of services for older adults, including nutrition assistance, caregiver support, transportation, and assistance with accessing healthcare services.
  2. Senior Centers: Senior centers provide a variety of social, recreational, and educational activities for older adults, including exercise classes, art classes, computer classes, and day trips. They also often serve as a hub for information and…..

Agencies in the local community that support individuals in later adulthood:

  1. Area Agency on Aging: The Area Agency on Aging provides a range of services for older adults, including nutrition assistance, caregiver support, transportation, and assistance with accessing healthcare services.
  2. Senior Centers: Senior centers provide a variety of social, recreational, and educational activities for older adults, including exercise classes, art classes, computer classes, and day trips. They also often serve as a hub for information and…..

Agencies in the local community that support individuals in later adulthood:

  1. Area Agency on Aging: The Area Agency on Aging provides a range of services for older adults, including nutrition assistance, caregiver support, transportation, and assistance with accessing healthcare services.
  2. Senior Centers: Senior centers provide a variety of social, recreational, and educational activities for older adults, including exercise classes, art classes, computer classes, and day trips. They also often serve as a hub for information and…..

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