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Monthly Archives: March 2023


ADHD Thomas Deliver, a 36-year-old male patient, enters your office for his initial appointment. According to the intake paperwork, Mr. Deliver is a computer programmer who is complaining of problems with concentration, completing tasks, and being terrible at listening during…

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Basic Human Emotions

1-What are considered the basic human emotions and how do they motivate human behavior? For this assignment: Create a SIX -slide PowerPoint presentation. Detail the basic human emotions and how they motivate human behavior. Provide personal examples of how your…

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Healthcare Technology

Healthcare Technology For this discussion, reflect on the course competencies and identify new knowledge gained and how that will impact your nursing practice. Course Competencies: Explain technologies that lead to enhanced decision-making strategies utilizing the technology life cycle. Analyze how…

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Body Temperature

Body Temperature Complete all lesson content and assigned readings. Make sure you are focusing on: Differences between hypothermia and hyperthermia Patient impacts from hypothermia and hyperthermia Patient education for clients and families to avoid extreme temperature variations Instructions: Answer the…

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Nursing Education

please respond to each discussion post very detailed and organized with apa references There are several notable trends in nursing education that have shaped the way nursing education is done today. The introduction of evidence-based practice in nursing school and…

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Muscle Relaxer

Soma is a carisoprodol brand commonly known as Soma pill is effective for musculoskeletal pain. Experts suggest Soma pills to get relief from acute and sharp pain sensations. It has comparatively lesser side effects. However, one can have adverse side…

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Measles Intervention and Prevention

In this assignment, you will establish the foundation for measles intervention and prevention activities for the intended population in your area. You will apply what you have learned about Public Health, Epidemiology, and Health Statistics. Identify a prevalent immigrant population in your county/state.…

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Describe the epidemiology of measles. Identify three factors that have contributed to the global resurgence of measles. Compare and contrast statistics regarding measles globally, in the United States, and in your state (identify the state about which you are writing).…

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Active and Passive Cancer

Active and Passive Cancer There are two types of surveillance for diseases of interest, which are active and passive. Cancer  is the disease you need to research for this project. Answer the following questions: 1. Does the disease I selected…

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