1. Give an example of an ethical dilemma that you think you will encounter when you start working as a nurse.
  2. How are you going to prepare yourself as a nurse in dealing with these dilemmas?

One example of an ethical dilemma that nurses may encounter in their profession is deciding whether to honor a patient’s wishes regarding their treatment or to follow medical guidelines that contradict those wishes. APA

Ethical Dilemma

For instance, suppose a patient refuses to undergo a medical procedure that could potentially save their life. In that case, the nurse may face the ethical dilemma of respecting the patient’s autonomy and right to make decisions about their own care versus the ethical duty to promote the patient’s best interests and prevent harm.

To prepare for ethical dilemmas as a nurse, it is crucial to have a solid foundation in ethical principles, values, and codes of conduct. Nurses can also take courses or attend workshops on bioethics, participate in professional discussions with colleagues and mentors, and stay up-to-date with current ethical issues and debates in the healthcare field.

Additionally, nurses should practice good communication skills and empathy to understand patients’ perspectives and concerns and build trust with them. They should also familiarize themselves with legal and regulatory frameworks related to healthcare and seek guidance from ethical committees or supervisors when faced with challenging ethical dilemmas.

To prepare for ethical dilemmas as a nurse, it is crucial to have a solid foundation in ethical principles, values, and codes of conduct. Nurses can also take courses or attend workshops on bioethics, participate in professional discussions with colleagues and mentors, and stay up-to-date with current ethical issues and debates in the healthcare field.

Additionally, nurses should practice good communication skills and empathy to understand patients’ perspectives and concerns and build trust with them. They should also………………

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