Q Score

Part I: Discuss some of the reasons why companies become sponsors of sports teams, sporting events, and individual players.

Companies become sponsors of sports teams, sporting events, and individual players for various reasons. Firstly, it is an effective marketing strategy to enhance brand awareness and brand loyalty among consumers. Secondly, it offers a unique opportunity for companies to reach their target audience through relevant channels. Thirdly, it can improve a company’s reputation and image by associating with successful sports teams or athletes. Lastly, it can lead to increased sales and revenue through the exposure and promotion of products or services. APA

Q Score

Part II: Briefly discuss any possible negative outcomes such a relationship could produce, and why.

A negative outcome of such relationships could be that the athlete, team, or event may have a negative reputation, which could harm the sponsoring company’s brand image. Another negative outcome could be that the sponsor may be associated with unethical behavior or controversies related to the sport, which could harm the brand image of the sponsor.

Part  III: Provide an example of either a positive or a negative sport  sponsorship relationship. Explain why this sponsorship is positive or  negative.

A positive example of sport sponsorship is Nike’s sponsorship of Michael Jordan. This sponsorship was positive because it helped to create……….

Part IV: Please visit the following links and respond to the questions below:

  • What is a Q Score?*

Q Score is a measurement tool used to determine the popularity and appeal of a brand or celebrity.

  • How do Q Scores impact professional athletes?
  • Should  professional athletes strive for high Q Scores? What are the benefits  of high Q Scores? Are low Q Scores problematic for athletes? Why or why  not?
  • Finally,  what are your thoughts about the athletes who appear on the “Most  Marketable” list for 2020? Do you see what you would expect, or are you  surprised? Please explain.

*The Nielsen company has created a similar ranking system which is called an N Score.

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