Share an example from your personal experience (of your own or of someone you know), or an example from history, where groupthink may have influenced people to behave or arrive at a decision in a way that many individual members privately might have avoided or thought unwise.
Reference should be in APA Style and incite text should also be in APA format.

One example of groupthink that I can think of is the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986. NASA had developed a space shuttle program, and the Challenger was a part of it. The launch of the Challenger was highly publicized as it was carrying the first teacher, Christa McAuliffe, into space. On the day of the launch, there were concerns about the low temperatures and the impact it could have on the shuttle’s O-rings. Despite these concerns, the NASA management decided to go ahead with the launch.


The decision to launch the Challenger was influenced by groupthink. The NASA management was under pressure to meet the launch schedule, and they did not want to delay it. Moreover, they were overconfident in the technology and underestimated the risk of launching in low temperatures. In addition, the engineers who expressed their concerns about the O-rings were not heard, and their concerns were dismissed.

The result was a tragic disaster that could have been avoided if the group had not succumbed to groupthink. The loss of lives was a tragic reminder of the dangers of groupthink and the importance of considering all perspectives, especially dissenting ones. NASA learned from this tragedy and made significant changes to their management structure, decision-making process, and safety protocols to prevent a similar incident from happening again.

This example shows how groupthink can influence people to behave or arrive at a decision in a way that many individual members privately might have avoided or………….

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