1-What are considered the basic human emotions and how do they motivate human behavior? For this assignment:

  • Create a SIX -slide PowerPoint presentation.
  • Detail the basic human emotions and how they motivate human behavior.
  • Provide personal examples of how your behavior is motivated in different situations by the basic emotions.
  • Use the SPEAKER Notes section for each slide to fully explain your answers.

This assignment should be in current APA Style with both a title slide and a reference list that includes all of the sources used. At least one scholarly source must be included and cited correctly. APA

There is no universally agreed-upon list of basic human emotions, but here are some of the most commonly recognized emotions:

Basic Human Emotions

  1. Happiness: A positive emotion associated with pleasure, contentment, and satisfaction. It motivates behavior by encouraging people to seek out activities, situations, and people that bring them joy and fulfillment.
  2. Sadness: A negative emotion associated with loss, disappointment, and grief. It motivates behavior by encouraging people to withdraw from situations or activities that are causing them distress and seek out comfort and support from others.
  3. Fear: A negative emotion associated with danger, threat, and uncertainty. It motivates behavior by encouraging people to take steps to protect themselves from harm, either by avoiding risky situations or by preparing themselves to face potential dangers.
  4. Anger: A negative emotion associated with frustration, irritation, and outrage. It motivates behavior by encouraging people to assert themselves and defend their interests, often through confrontation or aggression.
  5. Surprise: A sudden and unexpected reaction to an event or situation that can be either positive or negative. It motivates behavior by encouraging people to pay attention to their surroundings and adapt quickly to unexpected changes.
  6. Disgust: A negative emotion associated with aversion, repulsion, and revulsion. It motivates behavior by encouraging people to avoid situations or objects that are perceived as dirty, contaminated, or unpleasant.
  7. Love: A positive emotion associated with affection, connection, and intimacy. It motivates behavior by encouraging people to seek out and maintain close relationships with others, often through acts of kindness, generosity, and compassion.

These emotions can motivate behavior in a variety of ways, either by prompting people to seek out or avoid certain situations, influencing their attitudes and beliefs, or affecting their physiological responses. Emotions can also influence decision-making, memory, and learning, and can play a critical role in social interactions and relationships.

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