Regression Design Last year, your firm collected data on each of its 107 division managers. The data contain growth figures for each manager’s division, the manager’s tenure with the firm, and the manager’s score on a leadership test, which was administered firm wide. These data are contained in the file attached.

  1. Run a regression designed to determine the effect of manager tenure on division growth.
  2. What role if any can the manager’s leadership test score play in the regression you ran for Part a? Explain. APA

To run a regression to determine the effect of manager tenure on division growth, we can use a simple linear regression model. In this case, the dependent variable is division growth, and the independent variable is manager tenure.

Here are the steps to run this regression in Excel:

Regression Design

  1. Open the data file in Excel.
  2. Select the “Data” tab and click on “Data Analysis” in the Analysis group.
  3. Choose “Regression” from the list of analysis tools and click OK.
  4. In the Regression dialog box, set the Input Y Range to the column containing the dependent variable (division growth) and the Input X Range to the column containing the independent variable (manager tenure).
  5. Check the box for “Labels” if the data has headers.
  6. Click OK to run the regression. Regression Design

The regression output will provide the coefficients of the regression equation, including the intercept and the slope. The slope coefficient will indicate the effect of manager tenure on division growth.

Regarding the role of the manager’s leadership test score in the regression, we can include this variable as an additional independent variable in the regression model. This will allow us to determine if there is any relationship between the leadership test score and division growth, while controlling for the effect of manager tenure.

To include the leadership test score in the regression………………………

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