• Describe the epidemiology of measles.
  • Identify three factors that have contributed to the global resurgence of measles.
  • Compare and contrast statistics regarding measles globally, in the United States, and in your state (identify the state about which you are writing).
  • Summarize continuing challenges to its control in the United States. APA

Length: 3–4 pages, excluding title page and references.

Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric. You can view it under Assessments at the top of the page. Review it before you begin working on the assignment. Your work should also follow these Assignment Expectations.

Measles is a highly contagious viral disease that primarily affects children and can lead to severe complications, including pneumonia, encephalitis, and death. Measles is transmitted through respiratory droplets and has a long incubation period, making it difficult to control.

It is a global health concern, with an estimated 200 million cases and 100,000 deaths worldwide each year. Before the widespread use of the measles vaccine, it was a common childhood disease in the United States, causing an estimated 3-4 million cases and 400-500 deaths annually. However, with the introduction of the vaccine in the 1960s, the incidence  declined dramatically, and by 2000, was declared eliminated from the United States.


Factors Contributing to Global Resurgence of Measles: Despite the success of vaccination programs, the global incidence  has been increasing in recent years. Three factors that have contributed to the resurgence are:

  1. Vaccine hesitancy and misinformation about vaccine safety, which has led to declining vaccination rates in some countries.
  2. Weak health systems and inadequate vaccination coverage in some countries, which can limit access to and uptake of its vaccines.

Comparison of  Statistics: Globally, there were an estimated 9.7 million cases of measles and 207,500 deaths in 2018. In the United States, there were 1,282 confirmed cases in 2019, the highest number of cases since 1992, and 128 cases in 2020. In California, there were 61 confirmed cases  in 2019, and 2 cases in 2020.

Challenges to Measles Control in the United States: Despite the availability of effective vaccines and successful vaccination programs, there are several challenges to control in the United States, including:

  1. Vaccine hesitancy and resistance to vaccination, which can lead to declining vaccination rates and outbreaks.
  2. Global travel and migration, which can introduce measles into the United States from other countries.
  3. Limited resources and infrastructure for  surveillance, outbreak investigation, and response.
  4. Disparities in vaccination coverage and access to healthcare, particularly among marginalized and underserved populations.

In conclusion, measles is a significant global public health concern that ……………..

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