Genetic engineering has become a burgeoning area of research in both the biological and environmental sciences. Advances have been made that may boast positive outcomes for individual health and the environment. However, there are a bevy of ethical dilemmas and risks. Ethical concerns on Genetic Engineering

In a 3-page paper (double spaced), discuss the ethical issues and dilemmas of this technology. Your paper should also define what an ethical dilemma is. Provide specific examples and research. Lastly, your paper should conclude with your opinion on whether or not this type of research should be conducted

Genetic engineering is a rapidly growing field with great potential for positive outcomes in healthcare, agriculture, and the environment. However, there are also concerns regarding the ethical implications and potential risks associated with genetic engineering.

Ethical concerns on Genetic Engineering

One ethical concern is the potential for genetic engineering to be used to create “designer babies” with specific traits or characteristics, which could lead to discrimination and inequality. There is also concern about the potential for genetic engineering to be used for eugenic purposes, such as the elimination of certain traits or characteristics deemed undesirable by society.

Additionally, there are risks associated with genetic engineering, including unintended consequences and unforeseen effects on ecosystems and biodiversity. Genetic engineering also raises questions about ownership and control of genetic resources, as well as issues related to access and affordability.

To address these ethical dilemmas and risks, it is important for …………………………….

Your paper should be 3 pages long (double spaced). Your paper should also be well supported by primary research. Please use APA formatting as well as incorporate a reference page. Your reference page does not count towards your page requirement.

Your paper should be 3 pages long (double spaced). Your paper should also be well supported by primary research. Please use APA formatting as well as incorporate a reference page. Your reference page does not count towards your page requirement.

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