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Monthly Archives: March 2023

Accreditation standards

Accreditation standards Healthcare systems and patients benefit from accreditation standards. Many accrediting bodies are represented in various practice settings. This activity is designed to expose you to some of the major aspects of accreditation and see how it affects quality…

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English-speaking skills

Scenario 1: A colleague from another country has limited English-speaking skills and does not comprehend the group task. Additionally, this colleague has the habit of giving gifts to business associates at the end of projects. Gift-giving is an expected part of…

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Postsurgical comfort

Evidence suggests that patients do better when their expectations about specific benefits of nursing care are discussed and met.  Design a “comfort contract” whereby patients or their surrogates designate an expected level of postsurgical overall comfort, and also where they…

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Motion sickness

Suzie Lindquist is a friend who has suffered from motion sickness for several years. What medications might help her? What other suggestions could you give her to decrease the frequency of her motion sickness problems? 400 words  Apa format no…

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Nurse Practice and EHR Assignment (15%) (CC3. a,b): Students will identify and evaluate nurses’ safety measures when administering medications at a specific healthcare facility. Each student will also evaluate an EHR system’s safety measures at one healthcare facility. Students will…

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SWOT Analysis

DNP Project I: SWOT Analysis Assignment Utilize the approved DNP project topic to complete a gap and SWOT analysis. This activity will assist in the development of the DNP Project Proposal throughout the course. APA A gap analysis is a…

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Epidemiological studies

Read the required reading. Epidemiological studies can evaluate risks of disease and protection from disease. Discuss risks and how epidemiological studies impact interventions to reduce risks. Include some types of studies and specific risk examples in your response. How does…

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Epidemiological data

Explain how big data or epidemiological data can be used to drive clinical practice within your practice/work setting.  Tell your peers where the pertinent health information can be found (which organizations/websites) for the population of your interest and relate the…

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