•  Read the legend How the Chipmunk Got Its Stripes and the student retelling of that story. Using your knowledge of reading comprehension (e.g., literal comprehension, inferential comprehension, engagement of schema, self-monitoring), write a response in which you: How the Chipmunk Got Its Stripes
  • Using your knowledge of reading comprehension (e.g., literal comprehension, inferential comprehension, engagement of schema, self-monitoring), write a response in which you:
  • Identify and discuss one of the student’s strengths relating to reading comprehension;
  • Identify and discuss one of the student’s weaknesses relating to reading comprehension
  • See Appendix B for the scoring rubric. APA

How the Chipmunk Got Its Stripes

You are to prepare a written response of approximately 350 – 500 words. Your response must demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge of the field. You are expected to demonstrate the depth of your understanding by applying your knowledge rather than by merely reciting factual information.


How the Chipmunk Got Its Stripes A Legend of the Iroquois

A 4th-grade student’s retelling of the legend and answering the prompt “What is the message of this story?”

The start of the earth was dark and all the animals could talk to each other.  Lots of animals climbed a mountain.  They saw stars but the ground was dark.  The raccoon liked the dark.  The bear was big and a bully.  The chipmunk was the smallest animal but he wasn’t afraid of the bear.  He talked and talked and talked.  Everyone got tired and fell asleep but chipmunk started to dance.  The bear chased the chipmunk and grabbed it with its paw.  Chipmunk got away. Now chipmunks have stripes on their backs.

The main message of the story:  If someone is mad at you, make sure you can run fast.


When analyzing this retelling, focus on:

  • Overall impressions of the accuracy and completeness of the retelling.
  • What is one strength and one weakness in this student’s retelling?
  • What does this strength/weakness tell you as a teacher what the instructional needs are for this student?
  • Identify key reading and comprehension skills that are and are not utilized by this student. (KEY FOCUS OF PAPER)
  • Identifying key passages from both the text and the retelling to support your position.



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