The Hot Spotting. In the New Yorker medical report, The Hot Spotters, Dr. Jeffrey Brenner reports that nearly half the population in the city of Camden is seen in the Emergency Department of local hospitals. High crime, low income families, lack of integration with local policing activities, poor city leadership, and problematic access to good healthcare are among the problems noted here. Imagine that you are a senior strategic advisor to the CEO of one of the city hospitals in Camden. Would you recommend using a hot spot strategy to your CEO? Why or why not? Be sure to include scholarly references and answers to all of the following questions in your summary and analysis:


The Hot Spotting

Discuss the idea of isolating hot spots a strategy for improving costs, quality, and access to care.

  • Why do patients seek treatment through the emergency department?
  • What did Dr. Brenner learn from the community policing approach that helped inform his strategy for better serving the community?
  • Why would a city hospital in Camden be interested in Dr. Brenner’s idea? Be sure to consider the data and information needs to fully adopt a hot spot approach and the community’s role.
  • Suppose Dr. Brenner’s model could improve access and quality but wound up costing more than expected to administer. Would you still recommend a hot spot approach? Why or why not? Be sure to discuss the concept of Loss Leader in your analysis. The Hot Spotting


  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA 6th Edition style and formatting.
  • Length of paper: 7–10 typed double-spaced pages fully referenced.
  • Submit paper at the end of Unit 4.

Yes, I would advise the CEO of one of the municipal hospitals in Camden to use a hot spot approach. Hot spot tactics have been shown to be successful in lowering costs in the healthcare system and enhancing patient outcomes. Hot spot measures may assist Camden’s low-income families get better treatment by lowering the number of needless trips to the emergency room. This will ease the burden on the healthcare system.

It is crucial to take into account the following elements when deciding if a hot spot strategy should be adopted in Camden………..

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