Nonverbal communication . Learners will study and observe a nonverbal activity and write an summary documenting the observance.

NOTE: Nonverbal communication is also a form of sending messages as you have read. This activity is designed for students to select a situation either live or a TV clip to carefully view the nonverbal communication. Next, you will apply items 1-5 to what you have observed. The goal is to understand how messages can be sent nonverbally, and the receiver understands the message. We need to be aware that we can be sending messages both verbally and nonverbally.


Nonverbal communication

  • Learning Activity: Sometime during this week, select an occasion or situation to observe face-to-face nonverbal communication; and apply the following. Alternately, If you wish, you can view and upload a short TV clip and apply the following.
  1. Write a concise one page, summary describing your observations.
  2. What was effectively or ineffectively communicated nonverbally?
  3. Did you find that the nonverbal supported and agreed with the verbal communication, or not?
  4. What message was not stated verbally; yet you clearly understood the message? In essence, what was the real unspoken message?
  5. Describe how this learning activity emphasized the importance of giving close attention to nonverbal communication.

This week, I witnessed two people engaging in face-to-face nonverbal communication. The first individual was a woman conversing with a man. According to what I saw, the woman appeared to be venting her frustration and rage at the man. The woman had a very tense demeanor and a serious look on her face. Her feet were pointed away from the man, and she had her arms crossed. Her lips were pursed, and her eyebrows were slightly arched. She was acting very distantly and avoiding making eye contact with the man. The man’s posture was extremely relaxed, and his feet were pointed in the direction of the woman. He had a serene expression on his face and was not showing any signs of…….

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