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Monthly Archives: February 2023

School Policies and Practices

Provide an analysis of the school hiring policies and procedures aligned with equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practices School hiring policies and procedures should be aligned with equitable, inclusive and culturally responsive practices to ensure the school is not only…

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Root causes of Inequity

Write a  reflection on the root causes of inequity and bias within the school / district. Use resources provided. Resources: APA The root causes of inequity and bias within a school district can be systemic…

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How the Chipmunk Got Its Stripes

 Read the legend How the Chipmunk Got Its Stripes and the student retelling of that story. Using your knowledge of reading comprehension (e.g., literal comprehension, inferential comprehension, engagement of schema, self-monitoring), write a response in which you: How the Chipmunk…

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Special Education for Students

    Special education provides educational opportunities for students who need additional support to make academic or social progress in schools. All educators need to understand the components of special education because effective special education programs include collaboration with a…

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Analysis of Compassion International

Analysis of Compassion International.  Organization-  Compassion International was founded in 1952. APA Purpose: Your Final Case Study will discuss and analyze your organization from a sociological perspective. 10 pages: Describes the formal structure of your organization. Examine the extent of specialization, formalization, and centralization.…

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Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication . Learners will study and observe a nonverbal activity and write an summary documenting the observance. NOTE: Nonverbal communication is also a form of sending messages as you have read. This activity is designed for students to select…

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Conduct Disorder in Boy

Conduct Disorder in Boy. In this assignment, you will review a case study about a 12-year-old boy diagnosed with a Conduct Disorder. Read: Case 15-1 “Doesn’t Know the Rules” found in the DSM Library to include the Discussion section APA…

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The Hot Spotting

  The Hot Spotting. In the New Yorker medical report, The Hot Spotters, Dr. Jeffrey Brenner reports that nearly half the population in the city of Camden is seen in the Emergency Department of local hospitals. High crime, low income…

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